Favorite Album of 2008: Nat Baldwin- MVP
2008 was not a year of great music for me. Perhaps 2007 was just a little too overwhelmingly good and I couldn't get use to the more subtle greatness in 2008 music...or maybe (for me) it just really really sucked. Lo-fi was cool for awhile but that died in my heart quickly and I can definitely never get behind alt country (Fleet Foxes, I'm talking to you) or the likes of the lo gaze dream pop Beach House droners. I found myself looking backward rather than forward interesting myself in old classics like Sonic Youth and the Breeders in addition to deepening my appreciation for jazz, free and contained. This is why Nat Baldwin really blew my skull. He hit the right spot in 2008 because he knew how to recall true musicality via his upright bass/jazz sensibilities while banging on the door to the future of sweet, awesome music (like Dirty Projectors did with Rise Above in 2007) with freedom and using a different voice- literally and figuratively to show off his passion.
Favorite Website of 2008:Hipster Runoff
I think Hipster Runoff is the clever (/young/urban-ish/privileged/etc) person's Stuff White People Like. We're all looking to mock what we are now-a-days and HRO does a good job making everything a little less meaningful.
Favorite Magazine of 2008: Make/Shift feminisms in motion
Seriously. This thing changed my life and things never change my life, I'm extremely constant. I picked it up on my way to work on a Monday in Amherst (the slowest retail day at the slowest retail store) and couldn't put it down during my 8-hr shift. Then, I read it again. It's in only on its fourth issue now (I think it comes out only twice a year) but it's heavy enough that you can get 6 months out of each issue. It questions, spins around and trashes everything I think or want to believe. Just what I want in life. The article that got me interested is here, I'd recommend reading that at least.
Favorite Celeb of 2008: Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon with a side of J Mascus
They lived in Northampton, shopped in the store I worked for, and I was obsessed. What else can I say?
Favorite Sandwich of 2008: EITHER the Nantucket from Woodstar Cafe or the Vegan BLT from the Green Bean, both in Northampton Mass.
I couldn't make a decision. Sorry guys. These two sandwiches are both so great because they really pushed the idea that a sandwich doesn't have to be the same old PB&J every day. The Nantucket includes: turkey, cheddar, cranberry sauce, granny smith apple, mayo, and dijon on country sourdough. I don't even like cranberry sauce, but it somehow worked with the rest of the ingredients, the dijon really sticking out in my mind as a good kick, to make a to-die-for meal (because, honestly. that's a meal in itself). The vegan BLT, on the other hand, might be a normal thing in some parts of the country, but I'd never seen one offered on a menu with the "B" being slabs of tempeh instead of the generic Morning Star Farms-esq bacon you'd think you'd see on something passing as vegetarian. In addition, who knew vegan mayo could be so good?
Favorite Book of 2008: Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino (yeah, I know it came out in 2007 but I read it in 2008)
This book isn't amazing. It's translated, which I think is its biggest drawback because the writing is just a little off. Previously I only picked up latest McSweeney's for my leisure needs while I was generally consumed by assigned school books. Although I haven't been out of school too long, I hadn't found my book groove again until I read this novel. This crime drama also drew me out of my comfort zone in terms of what books I think I'll enjoy and what will pique my interest while browsing the stacks.
Favorite Space 2008: AS220
AS220 is a non-profit community art space that makes Providence, RI about 100% cooler than it could ever be on its own. If there is a good show it's going to be at AS220 and if there is a ridiculous altbag/bro/broad/diva they're going to be at AS220. Connected to the art space is a room that is divided between a bar (that has Narragansett tall boys) and the best taco place ever, Taqueria Pacifica. They put things like sweet potatoes and fresh green beans in their tacos. How could my life possibly ever be the same again?
Favorite Drink of 2008: Coffee, black
2008 was the first year that I understood what all the coffee hype was about. I bought a french press (and actually didn't master it until, like, 2 weeks ago) and stared trying to understand what coffee was all about. Although I still never drink more than one cup a day and I will never turn my back on my beloved tea, I have to admit that I finally get it.
Favorite Show of 2008: Nat Baldwin at Hampshire College's Red Barn, March, 2008
This show was intimate and Baldwin and his crew gave us a lot of sweet sweet freedom. Baldwin without his band is a force to be reckoned with, but I definitely prefer him with a full band-- sax, guitar, drums, trumpet. They really know how to give you chills and blow you away. Maybe my favorite show of all time?
Favorite Article of Clothing of 2008: cardigans
Al says that my personal brand is "comfy-ness". He's probably right. I own about 10 cardigans and wear at least one of them every day. Layering is great yall.
Favorite Breakfast Joint of 2008: Jakes, Northampton, Mass
To be honest their food isn't really that good. It's greasy diner food with no meat alternatives and boring waffles. But this places holds some good Total Boner Meeting memories, watching the other members eat their beloved No Frills breakfast which was a fine mixture of meat, eggs, cheese and potatoes somehow melded together in a way that made it divine (maybe if I ate bacon or sausage at the time and could validate eating that much food for breakfast I would have ordered one too). I was happy enough with my El Paso (two pieces of corn bread with egg, beans, salsa, cheese and sour cream on top). Jakes also had the best restaurant art- huge black and white drawings of old jazz musicians. Definitely a reason to go back to Mass.
Favorite Bath Goods of 2008: Anything from Lush
Although I had heard of it and seen it before Lizzy really introduced me to the world of Lush. Their natural products smell great and are different than anything else I've ever seen. I am in love with my coalface cleanser which I first saw reference to in the movie Annie Hall. Black! Soap! Amazing!
Favorite Beer of 2008: Narragansett and Allagash White

Narransett is the best cheap beer ever made. It also took me a few tries to even know how to pronounce it (kinda dumb) which makes it even better. It's a huge disappointment that it's only sold in a few states, Ohio not being one of them. Allagash is not a cheap beer but it's good enough to spend the dough. I don't know anything about beers so I can't say anything intelligent about it but it is really light, crisp and good and again kind of hard to get over here in Ohio.
i bought two cardigans this year and i love them.
@parallelliott- guys in cardigans are the hottest kind of guy
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