This is who I'm going to hang out with/make out with all summer at summer camp.
Yesterday on the way to work while listening to a dissonant jazz version of Heart's Barracuda (thanks, NPR) trying to think about anything BUT the song playing because, OH MAN, does Barracuda get stuck in my head after I hear it, I realized IT'S ALMOST SUMMER! I mean, not REALLY. Because it's still April, and that's definitely not summer and also, today it's around 45 degrees out which, in my opinion, is the opposite of summer. But for a lot of people school is nearly out (!!! weird, right?) and supposedly it's going to be in the mid-80s by the end of the week, so ask me on Friday and I'll tell you it's so definitely summer. Anyway, all of this thought obviously begs the Very Important question: What's going to be this year's super-summer-fun-best-song(s)-ever-2k9?
I am on the edge of my seat. Who's going to put out the new D.A.N.C.E./Lipgloss/another good one that I can't think of right now???
But really, it's getting sunny more often lately so I'm in the perpetual mood to drive with my windows down blasting hits that I'll most definitely be tired of by mid-July. To be honest, I am more than happy to keep my super-summer-fun-2k9 contained by only listening to the new Dirty Projector's album Bitte Orca. On repeat. For 5 months straight (I AM ON THE RIGHT TRACK ALREADY). The album officially comes out in June and that, along with it being awesome, makes it perfect summer fun material but that just might get boring after awhile and will most definitely get annoying for anyone else I am around.
The best thing about super-summer-fun-best-ever-songs are that they can cross a few more genres of music than I usually surround myself with. During the summer I allow myself to branch out (even more than I already do) into the realm of pop music and sometimes, JUST sometimes, I think it's okay to listen to top 40 pop hit radio and find the songs appealing.
I think this year of hope/Obama (ha) might invite a lot more bands that feature women in the lead for some of the super-summer-fun-songs. Maybe The Joy Formidable, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, etc. Do any of you have some picks for the songs that will soundtrack our summer?
magic treason's "battle nation": http://www.myspace.com/esharppp
even the lyrics SCREAM IT:
"can you hear this blazer
on the radio station
in a battle nation?
COME ON, yeaah.
summer blazer, satellite gazer
for the radio nation
COME ON, yeaah."
zero, by the yeah yeah yeahs, off their new album it's blitz. does it count as summer music already if I'm listening to it in 90 degree weather? technically speaking i'm currently below the equator and so that would make this winter, or fall. maybe you should take up responsibility of listening to it for me in the usa just to clarify. also i would like that mix you were referring to on the facebook, plz. xoxoox
Nuala- That Yeah Yeah Yeahs song has an ace beat. I'll accept that.
Also, my mix turned out not as good as I thought. I need to wait for a couple more albums to come out this year before I share. then, it will be amazing.
magic treason > YYYs
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